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Deliverance of Christians?

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    © 14 Colin Melbourne

    Do believers need deliverance?

    Q: Does a believer, that is; someone who has repented, and is fully immersed in water, need to go through deliverance ministry after salvation? Latoya

    A: Believer in what Latoya? Even the cults preach repentance and water baptism, each with their bespoke ersatz-christ.

    Deception in the Last Days

    The real Christ warned that many counterfeits would bring false gospels and false doctrines, devoid of salvation. (Mtt. 24, Mk. 13 etc)

    In addition, there are many corrupt bibles leading seekers away from the true Christ, into error and idolatry.

    Anything between you and the Living Christ becomes an idol, be it; a false-teaching, an object, a person, a religion, philosophy, an attitude, whatever.

    Therefore it is vital that every Truth-seeker uses a genuine Holy Bible in their language (The KJV for English speakers) and asks God to reveal the truth to them personally.

    He always does for the wholehearted.

    In contrast, the insincere and careless are easily led by demons into deception and error.

    You can see it all around, and it will get much worse.

    Salvation Before Baptism

    Latoya, it’s important you understand that water baptism plays no part in salvation. Salvation must precede water baptism.

    Does a genuine born again believer in the true Christ have to undergo deliverance ministry after salvation?

    Not as a matter of routine, but if the Holy Ghost indicates it is necessary in your case, then you need to.

    When Christ Comes the Devil Goes

    The only place of safety is to walk in the Light of Christ, remaining in step with the Holy Ghost.

    Those who rebel, compromise, sin, and open themselves to demonic activity that ruins their witness and lives.

    Destroy All Idols

    Most of the people we minister to in Asia are raised as demon worshippers of one variety or another. After they have been truly born again, we encourage them to destroy their demonic paraphernalia.

    It’s wonderful to see liberated captives voluntarily burning their demonic trappings; altars, fetishes, idols, talismans, spirit-shelves, and potions, encouraged by neighbouring Christian villagers.

    Some do it properly, confident in Christ, some with fear and trepidation, because they have not fully repented and trusted in Him. They are the ones who fall back into demonic habits.

    A Blind Shaman

    One tribal Shaman I met was blind, after responding to the Gospel, his sight was restored by a miracle.

    Sadly, he didn’t go on with God, wasn’t filled with the Holy Ghost, and when he resumed dabbling with demons, total blindness returned.

    I encouraged him to repent, but he would not; he cleaved to his sin. His choice: As far as I know he is still blind.

    That is why Jesus warned the impotent man at the Bethesda Pool in John 5 KJV;

    Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

    Perfect Deliverance in Christ

    For the sincere, wholehearted, believer in the true Christ, there’s instantaneous deliverance from sin, demons, and Satan the moment they are born again.

    They do not require deliverance ministry, but all believers need to understand redemption, and the authority they have in Christ.

    Holy, Separate, Different: Clean

    They must honour their responsibility to walk in obedience and holiness with Christ.

    The best Teachers are God the Holy Ghost, and the written word; attend to them, do as they say, and you will stay perfectly safe.

    Chasing the Dragon: The term is Chinese junkie slang for smoking heroin or opium. Read how God taught a demure English woman to chase demons out of the oppressed.

    Deliverance and healing are the children’s bread

    Miracle healings are not an exceptional treat, they come with the staple diet of a child of God.

    Become God’s child, believe in the Living Christ, and He will feed you the Bread of Heaven as your new-birthright.

    Demonic oppression and bondage will cease, disease and infirmity will end, you will be at peace with God, and know perfect liberty in your spirit, mind, and body.

    God’s word in Jn. 1:12-13 KJV promises you;

    But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    Receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour now and press in for your portion, and, Jn. 8:33 KJV;

    … ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    © 14 Colin Melbourne

    Image of a book on the deliverance ministry

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