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Jesus’ Wife

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    © 12 Colin Melbourne

    Was Jesus Ever Married or did He Stay Single and Celibate?

    Q: What are Christians to make of the news of the discovery of a fourth century Bible manuscript found in Egypt stating that Jesus had a wife?

    A: This is yet another clear example of Egyptian heretic writings masquerading as Gospel. A further reason to discount and ignore the other Egyptian manuscripts, the Alexandrian Vaticanus and Sinaiticus codicies beloved of modern Bible scholars.

    The first centuries of the New Covenant were riddled with cults, pedalling their heretical writings such as these.

    Satan stirred up false-teachers to try to distort the Gospel, and corrupt the word of God.

    He failed.

    This latest “Coptic fragment” is not even genuine.

    There are several valid reasons confirming it is merely a modern forgery attempting to create controversy, confusion, and a publicity side-show.

    Real Christians who know the only English Bible which can be trusted is the KJV, (because its New Testament is based on the Textus Receptus.) So Christians ignore all these “whack-a-mole latest discoveries”, promoted by the AntiChrist spirit and Roman Catholic false-church.

    The Holy Bible makes it clear that Christ never married anyone, He died a Virgin.

    He never yielded to a single lustful thought, let alone have a wife.

    He kept Himself pure for His Bride to be; The Church, those born of God, by faith in God’s Only Begotten Son. Heb. 4:15 KJV;

    For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

    Christ remained a Virgin, unmarried throughout His Life. Heb 13:8 KJV;

    Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

    Do you now see how vital it is to use the KJV as your Holy Bible?

    As you become familiar with the true word of God, you immediately recognize falsehood, and error, for what they are, and will not fall into doubt and sin.

    John Wesley’s Wife

    One preacher who did slip-up by breaking his word, and marrying a shrew for a wife is John Wesley.

    John Wesley DVD biography: Effectively recounts the life and work of the co-founder of the Methodist movement around the world.

    Wake up Christian women, you’ve already got the Perfect Man. Read about these women becoming mighty in God’s Hand: Inspiration for women.

    Last Days Side-shows

    Q: Lately I’ve been hearing a lot about “The Illuminati”, including from some Christian ministries. It would appear that Satan is using some very powerful people to bring in the AntiChrist. Apparently, there is a very organized plan, which involves many sectors of society. Also, the wars the USA has started are largely due to drug (opium) use, and the reasons they are giving us are false. What is your take on the Illuminati as an organized worldwide Satanic group? Joy

    A: I advise you not to become distracted by what you come across regarding Satan’s machinations, and preparations for The End.

    Let the world, and fringe groups, fuss over what the Enemy is doing.

    True soldiers of Christ keep their focus on the LORD, and are about His business.

    When Christ returns be sure He finds you doing what He’s told you to do, not wasting time sucking up Satan’s milkshakes.

    They catch they eye, go down smoothly, but they make you fat, sleepy, and idle.

    Be about Father’s business all the time, and you’ll stay safe and happy.

    Down the centuries Satan has used men involved in the occult to form secret societies bearing various names. They are secret because their aims are evil, and adherents are bound by strict codes of bondage. Often they aim to overthrow ruling powers, or at least subvert their authority.

    Because their inspiration is demonic, adherents are ignorant of the true end of the delusions they follow.

    Real Christians have no interest in them, nor their plotting, and conspiracies, real, or imagined. We fix our eyes, attention, and thoughts on Christ. (Prov. 4:1,20, 5:1, Heb. 2:9, 12:2)

    I recall visiting the Western Isles of Scotland soon after I was saved, and was stunned to see so many supposedly “Christian” gravestones bearing the demonic symbols and insignia of these occult groups.

    Immediately, the Lord cautioned me to avoid the snare of occult fascination, and to keep all my attention on Him. I advise you to do the same.

    Yes, many nations are embroiled in Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and New World Order, and all Western Leaders kow-tow to Satan. America’s first President was a Mason, not a Christian. No real Christian can ever be President of the USA, for obvious reasons. Religious nominal phonies, but not a Christian.

    America is the Devil’s seedbed, and doomed.

    Walk in the Light, occupied with the LORD’s work, and He will keep you to The End.

    © 12 Colin Melbourne

    Image of LaDonna Osborn Book on Women and Jesus

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