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Demons: Jesus Christ & You

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    © 05 Colin Melbourne

    Part 1 of 4

    Gospel facts you need to grasp concerning evil spirits and how to deal with demons

    Are Demons Real, Do Evil Spirits Exist?

    Demons and evil spirits are as real as you or the seat you are sitting on. God speaks of them repeatedly in the Holy Bible as actual spiritual beings, not imaginary, allegorical, or metaphorical, but real.

    For example Jesus spoke to the demons in the maniac with a Legion:

    Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.

    Mk. 5:8 Holy Bible, KJV

    God’s word says the demons replied:

    And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.

    Time and again we see Christ address demons, because they are individual spiritual personalities. They exist today just as in Bible days. Their reality and activity is plain to all except those blinded by Satan.

    What Are Demons and Evil Spirits?

    They are invisible spiritual beings created without bodies.

    People raised in the materialistic west struggle over this. It is easy to comprehend when you understand that you are a spirit living in a body. (You are a tripartite creature, made in the image of God. 1 Th. 5:23, Gen. 1:26)

    The real you, your spirit, will exist even after your body dies and decays to dust. At death your spirit leaves your body and spends eternity in Heaven or Hell, depending upon whether you are born again (saved) or not. (Heb. 9:27a)

    You, your spirit, express yourself; you speak, move, and sense your environment through your body. That is why the Bible describes the body as a house, or tent, in which we humans live briefly on earth. (2 Co. 5:1, 2 Pe. 1:13) Then comes eternity with God in Heaven: or Satan in Hell.

    Where Do Demons Come From?

    God created the Heavens and everything in them including the host of spiritual creatures called Angels, six winged Seraphs, (Is. 6:2) Cherubs, and the three Archangels.

    God created each with a free will. One of the Archangels, Lucifer, became proud in heart and incited a rebellion in Heaven. As a result of this sin God cast him down to Earth together with those angels who chose to support Lucifer.

    Even angels have a choice, and a third of them followed Lucifer, so God’s judgment came upon them. Lucifer was renamed Satan, the Serpent, and his fallen angels are called demons or evil spirits. (See. Is. 14:12-15, Lk.10:18, Jude 6, Rev. 12:3-9, Ez. 28:15-17)

    What Are Demons Like?

    They have the same rebellious evil nature as Satan their leader. They hate God and His creation and seek to destroy it. They are wicked, vile, and utterly sinful.

    People are a prized target for demons because mankind was made in God’s image and originally had dominion of the Earth. Evil spirits endeavour to lead men and women to sin, and gain entry into them in order to express themselves doing evil.

    A demon influencing a person is called demonic oppression. Once a person is controlled by demons they are described as demon possessed.

    What Do Demons Do?

    They incite sin, rebellion and hatred amongst people. They tempt mankind to sin by contradicting their own consciences, and God’s Law. Demons encourage lying, pride, greed, covetousness, sexual immorality (fornication and adultery), sexual perversion such as homosexuality and sodomy, murder, jealousy, and every sin found in the world.

    Satan and demons are the source of disease and sickness, both mental and physical.

    Fallen man’s sinful nature is wide open to demonic influence. That is why you must be born again by receiving the life and nature of God into your spirit.

    Next we discover how Jesus dealt with demons and what this means for you.

    Continue reading Part 2 Jesus and Demons…

    To overcome Satan and demons: Give your life to Christ.

    © 05 Colin Melbourne

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