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Seven Unopened Gifts

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    © 00 Colin Melbourne

    Receive and use all the Gifts God offers you today and everyday.

    The Holy Bible declares in 2 Co. 9:15, Jn. 3:16, Ro. 8:32 KJV

    Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

    Many Christians are frustrated in their walk with God, because they’ve not accepted all that He’s already provided in salvation.

    Unwanted Gifts

    If you gave somebody your most precious possession, and discovered that they hadn’t even opened it, how would you feel?

    Deeply hurt and angry, of course.

    In contrast, imagine you’d given an acquaintance a small present, that you notice they treasure, use, and value even more than you did. Wouldn’t their appreciation thrill you?

    Seeing Jesus

    It moves me deeply to know how much Jesus appreciates what we give to Him, when we give to others.

    John Wesley, the eighteenth century evangelist, proclaimed Christ tirelessly throughout England on horseback and by foot.

    One wintery day, he rode past a shivering beggar along the wayside.

    Moved with compassion, Wesley promptly took off his cloak, and tossed it to the delighted wastrel.

    That evening, God gave Wesley a dream in which he saw Christ enthroned with all Heaven worshipping Him; a magnificent scene of divine perfection and glory.

    An angel brought Jesus a travel-worn, mud-stained cloak.

    Onlookers gasped in horror as the spotless Lamb of God draped it around Himself.

    “Lord, why are you wearing such a dirty old garment?” one angel asked.

    With a huge smile and obvious pride, Jesus replied,

    “Because my son John gave it to me today. Isn’t it wonderful!”

    That’s Jesus, that’s God.

    For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

    Mtt. 25:35-36,40 KJV

    Free Grace

    He notices our acts of love.

    He appreciates and records what we do for Him, and treasures our gifts given in His Name.

    Since that is the case, how much more ought we to delight in the priceless gifts of God offered to all who trust in Jesus.

    Would it not grieve the Lord to ignore His presents?

    Believers understand that salvation from sin, death, and Hell is a free gift, that we can never earn, deserve, or purchase.

    Christ paid the full price for our redemption once and for all, by dying on the cross.

    We rejoice that our sins are gone forever, never to return, in this life or the next.

    No longer are we children of the devil, under God’s wrath as a result of Adam’s sin, but children of God, born again under God’s blessing because of Jesus’ Sacrifice.

    We know that we have eternal life, and a place in Heaven, for God’s word tells us so.

    These are priceless Gospel truths we accept by faith, Eph. 2:8 KJV;

    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    7 Redemption Gifts

    Sadly many Christians never embrace the rest of the abundant blessings included in salvation.

    Since God paid such an enormous price to offer His blessings, it is tragic if we don’t take them joyfully as He wants us to.

    Some people simply don’t understand the riches of salvation, others have been taught wrongly. But you won’t spurn God’s love gifts will you?

    Here are seven blood-bought blessings Jesus offers you today.

    Will you take each one in faith offered free from the Hand of God?

    Or will you leave them like unopened Christmas gifts?


    As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one

    Psalm 14 quoted in Ro. 3:10 KJV. God called a few people in the Old Testament, like Job and Abraham, ‘righteous’, but understand that He was referring to what they did, not what they were in nature.

    They were sinners, unregenerate, nobody was born again in the Old Testament. They couldn’t be. But under the New Covenant, Jesus has sealed a Covenant in His Blood where anyone who trusts in Him, is made righteous.

    They get a new righteous nature, a new heart, new life… the life of Christ in them. Ro. 3:21-22, 2 Co. 5:21 KJV;

    But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

    For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

    Are you having trouble getting answers to your prayers?

    The Holy Spirit declares, Jas. 5:16 KJV;

    The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    Many say, “If only I could become righteous, then my prayers would be powerful and effective.”

    Embrace the righteousness God gives to all who believe in Jesus. It is the only righteousness God allows into His presence.

    It is the only righteousness that results in answered prayer. No one can ask God for anything on any other basis.

    I am righteous now, I have the perfect righteousness of God.

    When I get to Heaven I will not be more righteous than I am now, because the righteousness of God cannot be improved, can it?

    I did not get righteous by anything I have done, except trusting in Jesus Christ, and what He did for me on The Cross.

    He did enough to make me acceptable to God.

    I’ve received His gift of righteousness by faith.

    Have you?


    Jesus said to believers, Jn. 14:27 KJV;

    Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.

    This is the peace of God.

    It transcends circumstances, feelings and problems.

    Without peace, nobody has a solid foundation in their walk with God. Faith is uncertain without peace. Peace must come first, and the only way you can have peace is by trusting in God’s grace.

    Religion makes you work for peace, but never delivers it. Count beads, pray endlessly, feed orphans and widows, give all you have to the poor, but you will never get God’s peace that way.

    Real peace only comes by God’s grace.

    Grace is the UNmerited favour of God.

    Paul starts almost all his letters to the Church with the phrase ‘Grace, mercy and peace to you from God the Father.


    Is it an ad hoc greeting? No, it’s the heart of the Gospel, and is the essential truth we need to hear and proclaim.

    Grace is getting what we do not deserve.

    Mercy is not getting what we do deserve.

    You can’t earn a gift, all you can do is accept it thankfully, and love Him in return.

    When you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation, and not in any sacrament, church, creed, mass, or good work, you’ll receive God’s peace that passes all understanding.

    Do you have God’s peace right now?

    It is included in your salvation, Trust entirely in Christ, and you’ll have it.


    The joy of the LORD is your strength.

    Neh. 8:10 KJV

    You can have joy in the midst of troubles that will strengthen you, and move the unsaved to hunger after Christ.

    It is a joy the world knows not, one that doesn’t depend on circumstances.

    It comes only by faith in Christ, who prayed to His Father for all His followers, Jn. 17:13 KJV;

    …that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

    You can’t fake it or force it, it’s God’s gift to those who trust in, and obey, His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Cast all your concerns on Christ, give Him your problems, do just what He tells you to do, keep looking to Him in faith, and your face will be radiant with His joy.

    Continue Reading Christmas Gifts From God…

    © 00 Colin Melbourne

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