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Christian Teachers

    Image of two Mute Swans at dawn CC0

    © 21 Colin Melbourne

    Q: Can a Christian be a teacher in a Public School? John

    A: First we need to clarify the term public school, which in the UK where I grew up, refers to a private fee-paying school where parents have to be very well-heeled to send their children.

    Image of Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart y Falcó, future 17th Duke of Alba posing in Eton College Uniform PD

    Dinner-dress Eton school uniform in the 19th century PD

    Pupils are usually required to live within the school grounds, so they are also termed boarding schools. Such schools are palatial, and have become an elitist badge of parental wealth and social standing rather than institutions of great learning.

    A 1690 engraving depicting a bird's-eye view of Eton College by David Loggan PD

    A 1690 engraving depicting a bird’s-eye view of Eton College by David Loggan PD

    Eton is a good example of an English public school. It was founded in the fifteenth century by the monarch Henry VI to groom the wealthy for Cambridge University and political office.

    Many other public schools were originally founded by philanthropic Christians during the sixteenth century English and Scottish Reformations, for the benefit of the public, hence the name public schools. Fees were kept low by bursaries, subsidies, and scholarships from the government purse, under the remit of being a Grammar school, appointed to teach; Latin, Greek, and English.

    Public schools were in competition with Private schools, which were established purely for the profit of the proprietor.

    We also have free government schools, which are the type most pupils today attend in the UK.

    Finally, Britain has welfare schools for the poor, and approved schools for unruly children who have broken the law.

    I understand the term “public school” is used in North America to mean a school supported from public funds, which would correspond to an ordinary (free) government school in the UK.

    Now to your query;

    “Can a Christian…”

    … type questions, come from people who have not yet understood, let alone embraced, the Gospel of The LORD Jesus Christ. They arise in the minds of the unsaved (sinners), those who have merely “joined a church”, subscribed to a religion, or who are simply indoctrinated nominal “Christians”.

    Christians don’t even think along the, “Can I…”  line because we have been set free from sin and condemnation to honour The LORD in spirit and truth.

    Therefore, believers understand we are obliged to follow Christ from our hearts, because He first loved us. We obey God’s word because we love Him, never from compulsion: The Christian life is the antithesis of “religion”, and wonderfully refreshing. Halleluia!

    The important point is that a believer follows the leading of God’s Spirit in his heart, which always complies perfectly with His written New Testament word: The KJV in English.

    To answer you, yes of course a Christian can be a school-teacher, if that is what the LORD is leading him or her to do.

    So the primary question we need to ask is, “Father, what do you want me to do today?”

    Remembering we have been set free to serve The LORD, and will give account to Him personally for how we have spent our lives since being born again.

    If you are not eagerly looking forward to that final accounting, my advice is go into your prayer-closet, and ask Him Face to face daily, what His plan is for you.

    He wants that more than you do, so Hear and Obey His Voice. Jn. 10:27-28 KJV;

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

    And all the saints of God shout; Halleluia AMEN!

    Lutheran in Need of Career Advice

    Q: I am a student in college who is interested in becoming an English Teacher. I am actually Lutheran, but have found your website to have very helpful information in the past. I would become a Christian teacher, but I am quite attached to my family and in my denomination teachers often have to move away. So if I choose to become a teacher I will be in a public (ie. government) school. I am a bit concerned about the general ideologies that I have heard that schools promote. I was homeschooled so I am a bit clueless about this. I am a very conservative person in both religion and politics. The other career possibility I am considering is as an X-Ray technician in a hospital.

    A: Both of those careers are laudable options in secular terms, and if the person is also submitted to the LORD Jesus Christ in acquitting them, He will be able to use them.

    I understand your concern about the worldwide trend in government schools to prohibit the Gospel and promote the agenda of the AntiChrist, including; humanism, evolution, atheism, and sexual perversions.

    A retired baptist minister friend, in New Zealand, keeps me informed how restrictive matters have become. He is “allowed” to teach school children about Christ for an hour a week, providing he does not pray with them, denigrate religions, or try to convert the children. So he just tells them feel-good bible stories, and is content to leave it at that.

    The LORD cannot use such compromise of course, and there are far better ways of getting Gospel truth into youngsters than a formal government education setting.

    New Zealand and Canada are the western guinea-pig nations used to experiment with methods of indoctrinating and controlling populations. What the New World Order (NWO) find works there, will be implemented everywhere in due course. You are seeing that process unfold in your lifetime, notice particularly financial disruption heading to the cashless society. A cherished goal of the NWO since the 1980’s.

    The current Covid palaver is an overt manifestation of NWO tactics, manipulating the gullible to accept the mandate of the final AntiChrist.

    To answer your question, “Can a Christian teach in a government school?”

    I reply, only if the LORD directs him to do so, and then it will be to stand up for truth, and steadfastly refuse to compromise with demonic doctrines of man’s making.

    He will be happy to rock the boat, just as His LORD did, and still does.

    To achieve that, the Christian would have to be a genuine Christian, with a clear grasp of his redemption through The Blood, devoid of pretence, and man’s teaching.

    He would have to be filled with the exact same Spirit that led Christ to pour out His Life-Blood to redeem sinners like me and you.

    He would have to rid himself of all idols, & false teachings, and stay in continual fellowship with The LORD of Glory, attending closely to His Voice whispered to his heart, and shouting from the rooftops whatever he hears in secret, without fear or favour.

    I advise you to seek the LORD how He wants to use you in your brief time on Earth.

    See also:

    Catholics and Lutherans

    What is Lordship?

    Apes, Lies, and Ms. Henn




    There Go the Dinosaurs

    Tract images © Chick Publns. Used by permission

    © 21 Colin Melbourne

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