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NWO AntiChrist Spirit on the Rise

    Image of a sinister woman CCO

    © 22 Colin Melbourne

    Manufactured Hysteria?

    Q: What do you think of the rumour that the Covid virus was spread deliberately in order to force people to be vaccinated so they can be tracked and controlled by the antiChrist?

    Truth Not Hearsay

    A: First, our Heavenly Father doesn’t lead His children by; rumours, TV, newspapers, and internet articles: The primary way He leads us is directly, through His Spirit anointed Word: The Holy Spirit in a believer’s heart, which always conforms to the New Testament revelation of the Holy Bible, the KJV in English.

    Be careful to distinguish between your mind, and your spirit, so that you follow your spirit, not your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

    That way you will be able to discern truth from error, and learn by experience how to walk confidently in God’s Spirit.

    Rumours, ideas, and opinions are unreliable guides, especially when filled with fear spread by sinners in the world around you. Fear is the enemy’s tool, and opens the door to doubting God’s words.

    Ready For Judgment

    When we are brought before Almighty God for Judgment, it will be useless to claim we trusted a rumour He was Lord of Heaven of Earth, and died for our sins.

    That will neither impress The Judge, nor get you to Heaven: Hearsay is invalid in every court of law, what’s required is valid testimony backed by verified evidence.

    The Saints’ Confession

    “LORD, you gave your precious sinless Blood to remove all my sin, you made me the righteousness of God the moment I repented of unbelief in you, and I trust that your Sacrifice has kept me perfect in Christ Jesus, safe, secure, and forever redeemed by your Grace.”

    That is a valid testimony backed by the evidence of God’s written word, and verified by His Blood on the Mercy Seat shed for us. (Holy Bible KJV, Mtt. 26:28, Mk. 14:24, Lk. 22:20, Rom. 3:22, 2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. Ch.9, Eph. 2:8)

    It is the only basis on which anyone can claim entry into God’s kingdom. Halleluia!

    My son, attend to my words

    Real Christians pay scant attention to world media and rumours, they attend to the Holy Ghost who always leads in triumph in Christ.

    Even sinner-George Could See This Coming

    Regarding the recent Orwellian global events to which you refer:..

    It’s been obvious from the outset that this current Covid charade is a satanically-inspired, man-made scheme, of US and Chinese Deep State globalist actors, designed to; establish totalitarian rule over the world, to marginalise, and eliminate, anyone who opposes the antiChrist spirit ruling the power of the air: Satan. (See Holy Bible, Ephesians 2:2 KJV.)

    The Goal is Not Money: It is Control and Death

    Satan’s plan is to wipe out humanity, starting with the followers of The LORD Jesus Christ, who warned and encouraged us, Jn. 10:10 KJV;

    The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

    Believers have continual access to the abundant resources of Heaven by living faith in The Name above all names: The LORD Jesus Christ.

    Perhaps like me; you don’t know anybody who was normal and well, then died of “this virus”; conversely, you’ve lost fit, strong, friends and relatives who’ve died suspiciously after being “vaccinated”. (It’s not a genuine vaccine, it’s a very harmful injection.)

    One of my neighbours told me just this week, ten perfectly healthy relatives and friends of hers have died post-“vaccination”.

    You have been warned.

    Ungodly “Science”

    Godless scientists have been seduced and compromised, to follow Satan’s NWO-Jesuit game-plan, just as they were by the HIV-Aids hoax in the 1980s and 90’s. (See the virusmyth website for documentary evidence.)

    Satan is the father of lies (Jn. 8:44), and all his offspring are born liars.

    Trust In The LORD

    Do not trust your government, nor any media reports: Trust in The Living Christ alone.

    Sham “Science”

    The “scientific” claims made about this present Coronavirus scam are bogus, and will be exposed as such in years to come.

    One example; Covid-19 has never been isolated in pure form, so no valid test has ever been made for it.

    Sham Statistics

    The “tests” that were used (PCR and antibody detection) have not been calibrated against Covid-19, rendering all the results completely invalid.

    It is not yet widely realised that the Covid PCR test has been proven to be useless, and abandoned.

    Don’t Be Distracted

    I could say much more about this, and the lethal effects of what is being forced on populations as “vaccination”, but it is a distraction from our only reason for being here today.

    The globalists’ agenda will proceed in steps, and we know full-well the prophetic outcome. So Christians are prepared for the next stage.

    Keep foremost in mind, a believer’s only purpose on Earth is to proclaim the Gospel of The LORD Jesus Christ to every creature until He takes us home at His appearing.

    These are the Final Days before Christ returns, it’s so obvious even sinners are waking up to see that these events can only be the fulfilment of Christ’s words of prophecy, thus presenting us with fertile soil in which to sow His message.

    Ripe Harvest: Labourers Needed

    They’re frightened and confused, love them, be merciful, hold out the word of life, and let them see what Christ is doing in your life, and they will gradually become hungry for the Bread of Heaven: And Father will feed them, as He feeds us.

    Rest in intimate fellowship with your LORD, He’ll lead you in peace, joy and righteousness through whatever situation you find yourself.

    Attend to Him, do exactly what He tells you to, and you will be triumphant and rejoicing always.


    Come LORD, you’ve made us ready!

    Image of a Chick tract about the Final Days

    Click to Read

    Chick Tract on The End Times

    © 22 Colin Melbourne
    Tract image © Chick Publns. Used by permission.

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