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Can Babies be Christian?

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What is The Age of Accountability?

Q: At what age does God hold children accountable? Anita

A: Great question Anita. This is a fascinating subject with many profound ramifications.

Babies are born unsaved, with the sinful nature of fallen man, children of the Devil.

Satan is spiritual father of all the unsaved. (Rom. 3:9-10,23, 5:12-14, Jn. 8:44, Eph. 2:1-3, 1 Jn. 3:10)

That comes as a shock, but it’s Bible-truth nonetheless.

Cute they are, but wicked to the core, all of them, until they are born again.

Only One Baby was born a child of God, sinless, unique, and you know His Name.

Read Can Babies be Christian?

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