© 09 Colin Melbourne
Stepmothers and Stepfathers
Q: Are there any Biblical principles bearing on accepting children from a previous marriage? Lydia
A: Indeed there are, in fact the entire Holy Bible could be read through that perspective, yielding rich rewards for the wise.
By that I mean; our first parents, Adam and Eve, ruined their marriage and lives by selfish disobedience; leaving an inheritance of destitute, orphaned, demonised children (the world).
But Almighty God, yearning to create a loving family based on love, faith, and godliness, initiated His Plan to redeem the helpless by sacrificing His Only Begotten Son for their sins.
Ask the Lord to help you to complete the comparison, and reap benefit from Father’s attitude to His new adopted kids.
This marvellous Kenyon book will inspire and bless you on your journey into real family love: Father and His Family.
I assume these children are your new husband’s, and that you married after his wife died.
In other words, your case does not involve divorce, (which the Lord hates). Divorce complicates the matter considerably.
Therefore, you were both single Christians, and he had kids whose mother had died. You both sensed the Lord telling you to marry, and you are asking what is the Biblical attitude for you to have towards his children.
- Since you are legally married, the children are legally yours, and your responsibility is to raise them as you would your own progeny.
- Your children are to obey and respect you both equally as their parents (Eph. 6:1-4, Col. 3:20-21).
- You are to teach and discipline them as your own children. (1 Tim. 3:4-5).
- You are to love and provide for them as your own children.
- The children are sanctified by your faith in Christ, (1 Co. 7:14) just as your own biological children would be. Note; that is sanctified, not saved!
For Biblical principles you need look no further than the example of Our Father and Christ Jesus.
They take the Devil’s children and make them their own, lavishing good gifts, and unfailing love upon them; training and teaching them in righteousness.
Mums and Dads, cover your progeny from the womb with the Word of God, and teach them about Him;

Start them off right, feed young hearts eternal Truth, instead of myths, fairy tales & fantasy. KJV text Matthew 5:3-11 with stimulating gentle imagery to introduce your babes to their Maker.
It’s called the New Birth, and He treats all His kids equally with no favourites.
Get it? (Ro. 2:11, Eph. 6:9, Col. 3:25)
I cannot imagine the Lord making any distinction between children you gave birth to, and children you parent or adopt. (Jas. 2:1)
It is important to establish this principle face to face with your husband, and with each child, so there are no doubts.
Covenant your parentage together as a family, and stick to it whatever comes.
It would also be wise of you to make this deal clear in the spiritual realm, don’t just sit back and take it for granted.
Declare in prayer your Motherhood of these kids as your own, once and for all, and cover them by your faith.
Few Christians have understood or used the authority given to them by Christ. Rev. Hagin’s book The Believer’s Authority is an excellent introduction to exercising authority and spiritual warfare.
By faith break any lingering demonic links from their past, and make sure Satan knows who’s in charge of them, and where the reach of his chain ends. Learn how to use the Power in the Blood, and do it boldly.
Then simply love them as if the Lord had formed them in your womb. Tit. 2:4.
If you love them more, will they love you less? 2 Co. 12:14-15.
I often sense that adopted orphans have a greater love for their new Christian parents than their natural children do, and it’s very easy to understand why, isn’t it?
© 09 Colin Melbourne