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Catholic Counterfeit Tongues

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© 01-22 Bill Scudder Used by permission

A testimony of working with Charismatic Catholics.

I would like to say first of all that I am not a Cecessionist. I do not believe the Gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased with the New Testament Apostles. They are available to the Church of God today.

For those who do not believe the above, you are still my brother or sister in the Lord if you believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. What I am about to tell you is not ‘politically correct’ and I will be labelled as ‘intolerant’ or maybe even a ‘basher’ by some people. I love Catholics, as I do anyone else, but it is their doctrine from Rome that is the problem.

It started out when I was voted in as President of a local chapter of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International (FGBMI). We had a dinner meeting once a month and a breakfast meeting once a month. At the dinner meeting we would usually invite a Christian businessman to give his testimony. We began to hold a Bible study and prayer meeting in my home.

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