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Can Angels Sin?

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    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    Angels & Humans Sinning

    Q: Since one third of the Angels in Heaven were cast out for sinning, what is stopping the remaining Angels in Heaven from sinning? When believers go to Heaven will our free-will be altered to prevent us from sinning? Michael

    A: Two fascinating questions Michael.

    A third of the angels chose to rebel along with Lucifer and were cast out of God’s Presence to become demons loyal to Satan (Lucifer). (See. Is. 14:12-15, Lk. 10:18, Jude 6, Rev. 12:3-9, Ez. 28:15-17)

    Nothing is stopping the remaining angels from sinning except a desire to honour the LORD Jesus Christ. Isn’t that inspiring?

    Christ gives true liberty, to choose right from wrong, and along with it He gives His followers all the power they need to do what is right.

    Will a believer’s free-will be revoked or pruned in Heaven to prevent them from sinning?

    This is something I have pondered too.

    If a believer retains full choice and then uses it to sin in the new Heaven, will they be thrown out?

    If they don’t have a choice, they are virtual robots, and that isn’t God’s way is it?

    Does the New Testament give us any clues to resolve the apparent paradox?

    Yes, lots; Praise God!

    What will we do in Heaven?: Many Christians have no idea how wonderful the answer is, and that is just the beginning.

    Revelation 21:4 KJV assures us that the former things are passed away, including death, which would be a consequence of sin; so whether by choice or design there will be no possibility of sinning in Heaven.

    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    The source of sin is Satan working through the sinful nature and that has been crucified with Christ. Gal 5:24.

    Once Satan has been cast into the Lake of Fire along with his followers, The Tempter is gone forever, and of course has no access to those in Heaven in any case. Rev. 20:10.

    Our glorified bodies and natures will be entirely new. 1 Co. 15:35-57.

    Personal Responsibility

    We will retain complete freedom of will and choice because that is always God’s way, along with divine accountability; but you can be sure Christ has fixed the sin problem once and for all, in every way.

    Guardian Angels

    Q: Do angels follow us around? Lucy

    A: God’s angels are ministering spirits whom He commands to guard and protect us. Ps. 91:11, Mtt. 18:10, Heb. 1:14.

    I’ve met several trustworthy believers who’ve seen their guardian angel. One very trusted couple I know even saw the Angel of the Lord. I don’t doubt it for a second, God has used them mightily.

    Heb. 13:2 intrigues us by noting that occasionally God’s angels take human form and are indistinguishable from us!

    Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

    However, the Bible also tells us that demons, and Satan, pretend to be angels of light in an attempt to deceive believers. So because there’s a lot of dubious teaching around angels, I advise you to forget about them, and fix your whole attention on the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The Bible says He commands His angels concerning believers, so let Him organize His angels, you get on with fulfilling His instructions.

    © 10 Colin Melbourne

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