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Bible Baptism

© 19 Colin Melbourne

To be baptised means to be; submerged, immersed, enveloped, overwhelmed, and overcome.

You will find several distinct baptisms in God’s word, The Holy Bible.

Some are symbolic, others are literal, practical, and spiritual: All are highly significant.

Christ humbly obeyed the word of His Heavenly Father, and wise Christians obey every word of their LORD Jesus Christ.

In His final words on Earth, He commanded that every believer in Him must be baptised in water, and promised a future Baptism in The Holy Ghost, which was first made available on the Day of Pentecost.

Read these articles about Bible baptisms;

  • Born Again Baptism: An outline of the most important baptism of all; The New Birth, which occurs when a repentant sinner genuinely receives Christ as Lord and Saviour. They are baptised BY the Holy Spirit INTO Christ, instantly becoming a child of God, righteous, blameless, and saved through simple heart-faith in Christ’s finished Sacrifice. This is the actual Spiritual rebirth of the believer that is performed by God, not by man.
  • Water Baptism: The public symbolic visible representation of the invisible Born Again Baptism, identifying the newly born again believer with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It is done in obedience to Christ, by believers, to a born again believer signifying their prior spiritual new creation in Christ.
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit: The baptism of believers by God in the Holy Spirit enduing them with power to be effective witnesses of Christ’s resurrection. It can only occur subsequent to genuine salvation, but may precede or follow water-baptism.
  • Other Biblical Baptisms: Some people misunderstand Eph. 4:5 “One Lord, one faith, one baptism …” The New Testament refers to at least seven baptisms. We discuss the others here: Baptised into Moses, John’s Baptism of Repentance, Baptism of Fire, Baptised into Death.
  • Baptism Question and Answer: Biblically sound answers to common questions concerning baptism.

More articles on Bible baptism;

© 19 Colin Melbourne

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