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Propitiation: Atonement

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    © 01 Colin Melbourne

    Modern Bible versions use the word “Atonement” in place of the KJV’s “Propitiation”. The terms are synonymous and signify; the expiation of sin, thus being made favourable, accepted, in the eyes of Almighty God. This is more than the cancelling of a sin debt. The guilt is not simply cancelled, but paid for, and suffered, in full. Here’s an example of how the word propitiation is used in the Holy Bible Ro. 3:21-25a KJV;

    But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets.

    Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

    Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood.

    Propitiation, atonement, and expiation, are words that make eyes glaze over, but their significance is the heart of the Gospel. Put simply, they mean reconciled, brought back to God by His Sacrifice and mercy.

    Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (1940 Edition) describes the use of the word thus;

    Hilasterion, Hilasmos (“merciful, propitious”), signifies an expiation, a means whereby sin is covered and remitted.

    It is used in the NT of Christ Himself as “the propitiation,” in 1 John 2:2; 4:10, signifying that He Himself, through the expiatory sacrifice of His Death, is the Personal means by whom God shows mercy to the sinner who believes on Christ as the One thus provided.

    What is indicated is that provision is made for the whole world, so that no one is, by Divine predetermination, excluded from the scope of God’s mercy; the efficacy of the “propitiation”, however, is made actual for those who believe.

    In 1 John 4:10, the fact that God “sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins”, is shown to be the great expression of God’s love toward man, and the reason why Christians should love one another.

    In Rom. 3:25, again it is used of Christ Himself; the text and punctuation in this verse are important: “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood.” The phrase “by His blood” is to be taken in immediate connection with “propitiation.” Christ, through His expiatory death, is the Personal means by whom God shows the mercy of His justifying grace to the sinner who believes.

    His “blood” stands for the voluntary giving up of His life, by the shedding of His blood in expiatory sacrifice, under Divine judgment righteously due to us as sinners, faith being the sole condition on man’s part.

    Wordy, but powerful stuff, and well worth quoting. More simply, it is commonly said that atonement means at-one-ment.

    Whilst expressing it like this causes scholars of Greek to throw fits because it’s a word-play, it does at least convey the essence of the word’s meaning.

    Through genuine heart faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice, a believer is at one with God, completely reconciled. His Blood pays for all their sin and guilt because He bore the punishment, condemnation, and judgment mankind deserves.

    Understand this and never forget it;

    Every sin you ever have committed, or ever will commit, was fully paid for by Jesus Christ. The Lord God Almighty in the Flesh.

    That is why you can have perfect peace with God when you trust in Christ with all your heart. That is why you can be perfectly healed by faith in Christ right now.

    Satan invents religions and cults that inspire people to sacrifice for their own sins, and work for their redemption. But we can have no part to play in our salvation: Except to trust that Christ did enough by His perfect Sacrifice to redeem all who believe in Him.

    Christ’s main mission on Earth was to bring you and God together as one. This purpose is crystallised in His High Priestly prayer for those who follow Him, Jn. 17:11 and again in Jn. 17:21,22,23 KJV;

    That they may be one, as we are. I in them, and thou in me.

    Jesus repeated the same request several times in His prayer, before laying down His sinless life for me, and for you. It is that important.

    Theologians erroneously relate this to unity in the Body of Christ, and the fellowship of churches, and so miss the whole point.

    Theologians usually do don’t they?

    Christ was not asking that believers and denominations get along together. No!

    That they may be one, as we are. I in them, and thou in me.

    He meant exactly what He said.

    That everyone who trusts in Him as Lord (God) and Saviour, be one with Him, just as He is one with God. (v.21-23) You can’t get more profound than that.

    It is too much for religious folks, they just can’t take it, but nevertheless, it is the truth.

    Have you got it yet?

    When a sinner truly repents and believes in Christ, all their sins are blotted out, they are gone. Christ comes to live in their heart by the Holy Spirit, they become God’s child, with God living in them, bringing His righteousness, love, peace, and all the rest of the good stuff Christ died to give believers. So then, there is nothing between a believer and God except the cleansing Blood of Christ.

    No condemnation, no guilt, nothing to separate them from Him at all.

    That’s propitiation and atonement!

    Christ paid the full price once and for all to atone for your sins. Have you embraced that Gospel fact yet? Don’t be duped by religion into trying to pay for your sins.

    Roman Catholics, for example, perform the Mass every day, their priests offering sacrifices for sins over and over, thus denying the finished work of Christ, and blaspheming Jesus.

    God hates the Idolatrous Catholic Mass, and any attempt by man to sacrifice for sins.

    Satan is the originator of religions. Salvation comes from God alone. Have you grasped the huge difference between Salvation and Religion?

    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    Acts 4:12 KJV

    Now that you’ve understood propitiation and atonement, you can clearly see why can’t you?

    Receive Christ and Be Sure Your Sins are Gone Forever

    © 01 Colin Melbourne


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