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Tithes and Tithing Q&A

    Image of a Hedgehog. CC0

    © 23 Colin Melbourne

    Is Tithing Compulsory?

    Q: Are we commanded to give ten percent to the church, or be cursed? Jenny

    A: No Jenny, tithing was an Old Covenant requirement of the Jewish Law; Christians are under the New Covenant of Grace. Christ fulfilled the Law perfectly, and made it obsolete forever when He sealed the New Covenant in His Blood. (Rom. 10:4, Gal. 3:24-25, Col. 2:14, Heb. 8:13 KJV)

    Many Christians are clueless about this, and locked in bondage to ignorance and false teaching. The Truth will set them free.

    For more information, see below.

    Q: In this dispensation, after Christ’s resurrection, is tithing compulsory? How is it to be used by the church?

    A: What a perceptive question!

    First, I should say that it is not something I would normally make an issue out of, one way or the other.

    If a fellowship is flourishing and I disagreed with their “tithing” policy, I’d keep quiet about it. If the church were struggling spiritually, and in error on tithing, I would then consider raising the matter.

    It is clear from your phrasing that you already understand that tithing is an Old Covenant Levitical practice.

    A tithe means a tenth, and worshippers were commanded to regularly donate a tenth of their earnings, or produce, to the priests, Temple, or synagogue. It was mandatory.

    The practice of tithing is alluded to in the New Testament in several places (Mtt. 23:23, Lk. 11:42,18:12, Heb. Ch.7) But each time it is referring to people under the Old Covenant, not to believers under the New Covenant.

    Tithing 10% is definitely not commanded under the New Covenant.

    Yet it is an established habit in most Christian fellowships. It’s another case of woolly thinking by people not sure which Covenant they are under.

    They forget that Christ ministered under the Old Covenant to people still under it.

    Everything changed after Pentecost, when the New Covenant began. (Ask an E-pistle question if you don’t understand this vital Gospel fact.)

    Voluntary Offerings

    God encourages Christians to give generously, and weekly, in accordance with what they can spare, and by their own free will.

    The Holy Spirit provides guidelines in 1 Co. Ch. 16. and 2 Co. Chs. 8 and 9. It can be less, or more, than 10%.

    The New Covenant principle of giving is that God will bless you according to the measure you use.

    Since Father gave us His Only Begotten Son, giving Him a measly ten percent of your; money, time, heart, and life is clearly stingy.

    Give Him your all, and He will look after; you, your finances, and bless you abundantly.

    To prevent confusion with Jewish tithing, it should also be called a collection, gift, offering, or donation, not a tithe.

    Helping People: Not buying land, buildings, and furniture

    The collection is to be used for God’s people in need. Including the pastors and full-time Christian workers.

    That is how it is used in most Asian fellowships, but sadly in the West it is frequently wasted on erecting buildings.

    So much so that in England, the term ‘Church Fund’ is synonymous with collections to repair the roof of a crumbling cathedral.

    Bible Christians met in their homes or outdoors, and collections were used to help finance evangelism, and needy believers far and wide.

    I think that is more pleasing to God than commissioning stained glass windows and teak pews, don’t you?

    Summary: Tithing 10% is not commanded in this dispensation. Regularly giving generously from what we can spare is encouraged. The measure you give is the measure you receive. The more you give to Him, the more God will bless you. The collection is to be distributed to help needy believers, pay full time church workers, and finance evangelism.

    Must Christians Tithe?

    Q: We attend a very good church. However, they teach, and insist, that tithing is mandatory today. I don’t mind tithing, but my husband feels guilty (sinful) if he doesn’t. They don’t force anyone to tithe, but they removed someone from the praise team for not tithing. They won’t listen; they are sincerely convinced. I just ignore this teaching. Should we stay?

    A: They are wrong of course, tithing, which means giving God a tenth, is an Old Covenant principle, written about in the New Testament, but certainly not imposed or mandatory.

    Christians are encouraged to give generously from their hearts, not under compulsion.

    In any case, as stated above; a tithe is ten percent, and that would be very stingy compared to what God has given us. Giving God a measly ten percent of your money, time, and life, is stingy compared to how He has blessed us. The New Covenant principle is not tithing, it is; with the measure you use, you will receive.

    Should you leave?

    If it really is a good fellowship, and the Lord is working there; it’s growing fast, the sick are healed, demons cast out, and the Holy Spirit is allowed freedom to operate His Gifts; then submit, and don’t fuss over it.

    If however, there are no miracles, no signs and wonders, no revival; then look for where the Lord is moving in your area.

    Remember, you don’t belong to a fellowship, you belong to the Body of Christ.

    Some Christians feel they have to support their local fellowship like they would a struggling football team. The Lord moved Smith Wigglesworth on several times, as fellowships he attended withered on the vine.

    Listen to Jesus, don’t settle for second-best and shrivel.

    If there isn’t a Spirit-filled fellowship in your area, then start one. That’s how the Gospel spread throughout the whole known world in the first century; word of mouth, house churches, and the Gospel proclaimed with signs and wonders following.

    That’s the Bible way.


    © 23 Colin Melbourne

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