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Starting a Mission

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Starting a Missionary Church

    Q: Dear Colin, I am a young man with ambition, and a fine speaking voice. I intend to start my own Pentecostal church, and I would appreciate your advice.

    I am unsure as to whether I should begin my mission via a website, or whether it would be best to first gather a suitable number of adherents – enough to sustain me. What is your advice? How did you start?

    I wish to be certain that if I put my efforts into this undertaking, those efforts will not be in vain. My mission must sustain me from the start. Is $100k p.a. too much to start with?

    Your advice would be appreciated. Tony from Australia

    A: Well Tony, you are far wiser than I was at your age, I pushed Jesus away until I was 34 years old.

    To be born again as a teenager is a wonderful foundation for adulthood. Devoting your life to building the Kingdom of God is the best ambition anyone can have.

    I heard a Jamaican boy, aged about ten, declare in the power of the Spirit of God, that he would spend his life preaching Jesus from sea to sea and ocean to ocean, until He comes. My spirit did somersaults as I heard him. What a life he’s got ahead of him!

    A couple of important points stand out from what you’ve written. You must decide if any of these comments apply to you.

    Be Real: Not Virtual

    Begin your mission in the real world, not on the internet. You must have face to face experience with people in order to develop the spiritual, and social, skills you need for life and ministry. You simply cannot do that on the internet.

    His: Not Mine

    I’ve never started my own church, Jesus hasn’t sent me to Asia to do that. He sent me to proclaim His Gospel Message, and that’s all I do.

    He builds His Church

    I just proclaim the foundation He laid.

    Branded and Franchised

    Some of my missionary friends describe their ministry as “planting churches”, they say;

    “I’m a church planter, I plant churches.”

    If ‘their church’ takes root, it grows into a copy of the missionary’s home church.

    I think they make God sigh wistfully. He’s gentle, and humble in heart, so He still blesses them… as far as He’s able.

    One Way: The Way: His Way

    Jesus commanded me to go and preach His Good News to every creature.

    He said His word is Seed. So God’s Seed is all I plant: Jesus Seed is the only seed I’ve got. No church seed.

    God promised He’d make it grow, and that it would reproduce itself, bearing much fruit: Fruit that lasts.

    I believe Him.

    The believers I harvest are taught to do what I’ve done; Follow Jesus directly, and do what He tells you to do. So they go and preach the Good News to every creature, depending on Christ to meet all their needs.

    They don’t rely on me, or a church, or an organization; they rely on the LORD Jesus Christ and His Spirit in their hearts.

    It’s the way He likes it.

    How to Become a Missionary

    You ask how I got started.

    From the day I got saved in 1988, I simply began sharing what I’d found out about Jesus with anyone who’d listen; on the street, in shops, banks, on buses, trains, at work, churches, wherever I was.

    Nobody told me to do it, they didn’t need to, I simply wanted to give what I’ve got.

    I bought tracts, gave them out every day, and soon began writing and printing my own.

    The Lord worked with me, and taught me as I grew in Him.

    Soon He sent me to Asia as a self-financed missionary. I’ve been here ever since (over 29 years so far), proclaiming the Living Christ, and He confirms His word just like He promised in the Bible.

    Loaves and Fishes

    I’ve never taken up an offering, nor asked anyone for funds, and all our ministry is entirely free.

    He’s feeding a multitude from my lunchbox. I like that!

    You are concerned about money, and your efforts possibly being in vain. You are looking for your “adherents” to support you.

    Such thoughts are not from the Spirit of God.

    In my experience, when God sends you on an errand, He provides everything you need.

    I’m living proof of that Bible fact

    But He doesn’t give it to you beforehand, He provides it as you walk by faith in His word and Name.

    The true stories I could tell you of His miraculous provision and guidance!

    For some examples, I suggest you read the autobiography of George Müller, his life story, is an inspiring example of walking by faith.

    As Christians follow the Living Christ, failure is impossible. Nothing we do at His bidding will ever be in vain or fail. He leads us in victory, not failure. If you fail, you missed God.

    Be sure to follow God’s Plan for your life, not your own.

    If you rely on people for support, you will surely be dismayed. Look to God alone, and He will sustain you in every way.

    In Summary: The best guidance I can give is; ensure you are soundly saved the Bible way, get the Power Baptism, understand the true Gospel of Christ, learn how to follow His leading in your heart, and then simply do what the Lord leads you to do.

    Then you won’t have to ask any man for advice, because you’ll have Jesus advising you all the time, step by step, on the inside. He likes it that way.

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Image of TL. Osborn book on Evangelism

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