God’s Perfect Word
How precious to be able to read God’s Book in English, the King James Version (AV, KJV, KJB, PCE), and know with divine certainty that every word is accurate, and faultless. This revelation is a gift from God I treasure.
I believe the KJV is His perfect word in English, and when you receive the same revelation, it will light your eyes afresh with wonder at the glory of The LORD Jesus Christ, and the grace of God.
The Holy Ghost transforms confusion, and doubt, into confidence in Christ, through the word.
Gospel: The Word of His Grace
For example; the expression, the word of his grace is used in Acts 14:3, and 20:32 KJV to describe Christ’s Gospel ministry through Paul;
Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
Read more of The Word of His Grace