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China’s Miracle Revival

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    © 01 Colin Melbourne

    Miracles prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is alive and Lord of Heaven and Earth.

    Sichuan Paralytic Healed

    In 1989 the Lord sent two South Chinese farm girls to Sichuan to proclaim the Gospel. The messengers shared Jesus with everyone they met on their travels. Their zeal and anointing brought great conviction, and almost everyone who heard them preach accepted Christ as Saviour. Often they would lead thirty or more people a day to Christ, then baptise them. The Lord confirmed their preaching with numerous healing miracles.

    The evangelists visited Mr. Yang, who’d been paralysed for three years, and had spent much money on doctors without improving at all. The lady evangelists told him,

    “If you believe, not only will you be healed, but you can enter Heaven and have eternal joy.”

    They laid hands on Mr. Yang, but due to his unbelief, nothing happened. Onlookers shook their heads, and scoffed. What would you have done, concluded it wasn’t God’s will to heal the man? That’s a serious error. It is always God’s will to heal those who come to Him believing. And these Spirit-led believers knew that Gospel fact. Undeterred, the young women prayed and fasted for four days. Returning to old Yang, they laid hands on him, and this time they pulled him off his bed of paralysis, and commanded him to walk in Jesus’ Name, and to praise the Lord.

    Here was the key, Faith is an Action

    Oh, how many preachers fail to grasp this vital point, leaving folks in sickness and unbelief. Suddenly, power shot through his body and he began to shout ‘Halleluia!’. He pushed his helpers away, dashed outside, and ran around the courtyard, perfectly healed. The whole village came to see, and news of Christ’s miracle power spread like wildfire. People from up to 100 km. away brought their sick and demon-possessed, and many more miracles occurred. Countless sinners were saved in the Gospel harvest that followed Mr.Yang’s healing.

    Jesus said, Holy Bible, Mark 16:15-20 KJV;

    Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

    So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

    And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

    Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

    Psalm 103:2-3 KJV

    Tension is increasing in Sino-American relations; over the Taiwan issue, human rights abuse, trade tariffs, and the lifting of import restrictions. Top US defence strategists believe war with China is inevitable. Many Christians foresee China fielding the prophesied army of 200 million that kills one third of mankind in the last days. (See Revelation 9:16-19)

    Despite this grim scenario God’s Spirit has been sweeping through Communist China since the 1980’s bringing salvation, revival, and miracles to a people experiencing the full force of satanic persecution.

    Don’t be fooled by China’s rhetoric, or her leader’s smiling faces. They are continuing to persecute Christians; ruthlessly abusing, torturing, and murdering them simply because of their testimony of Christ.

    To be a real Christian in China, as distinct from joining the phoney State-run ‘Three Self Church‘, is to know the cross. These brothers and sisters love the Lord fervently, and disregard danger, hardship and pain, willingly paying any price, so that Christ’s message is proclaimed, and lost souls are saved. The Lord confirms His word with signs and miracles following their preaching. Many have been martyred, even more remain in prisons, transformed into places of worship, set ablaze by the Gospel.

    Who knows, but that the Lord’s Judgment upon your nation has been stayed through the faithful pleas for mercy from such Chinese Christians.

    This article will describe present day miracles to stimulate your faith: but first let us remember some pioneers who laid down their lives to bring Christ’s message to China.

    It was in 1807 that the first genuine Christian missionary, Robert Morrison, landed in China. He worked for seven years before a single person came to Christ. After fourteen years of labour, he had two converts. The second, Liang Fa, became the first pastor of the Chinese Church. Morrison died in China after 27 years of dedicated service during which he translated the Holy Bible into Chinese, and led just ten people to Christ.

    In 1866, another Englishman, named by the Chinese ‘Pastor Cao‘ began travelling around Zhejiang Province proclaiming Christ. Lame in one leg, he limped from village to village, sang hymns and shared the Gospel. The people had never seen a white man before, and took fright, pelting him with stones to drive him away. After three years he was penniless, and not a single person had believed in Christ. Despite the scorn and shame, he didn’t quit, because he loved the Chinese people as much as he loved Jesus. ‘Pastor Cao’ went home, saved funds, and returned with fresh zeal, and lots of Chinese Bibles. This time his labour bore fruit, and the work flourished. He planted the first churches in many counties of China.

    In 1852, Hudson Taylor arrived from England, and started the China Inland Mission that God used mightily to establish the Church throughout China. Rapid growth followed periods of cruel persecution such as; the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, the Civil War of 1940-50, and the continuing Communist persecution that began in 1950.

    However, the greatest harvest of Chinese souls has occurred in the last twenty years since the full message of the Gospel has been taught in China. What began as a trickle, God has turned into a Gospel torrent by raising up native Chinese believers who have Received the power of the Holy Spirit, the power needed to fulfil Christ’s Commission.

    Smith Wigglesworth was used by the Lord to introduce the baptism in the Holy Spirit to many nations, and he said;

    “It is impossible to overestimate the importance of being filled with the Spirit. It is impossible for us to meet the conditions of the day, to walk in the light as He is in the light, to subdue kingdoms and work righteousness, and bind the power of Satan unless we are Filled with the Holy Spirit.”

    This has been the key to the recent success of the Gospel in China. Native men and women are receiving the Pentecost blessing with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues and proclaiming Christ with signs and miracles following.

    Your fellowship may claim to be ‘sound in the word’, you may indeed have the wood, but you need the Fire of the Holy Spirit to set it aflame. Without God’s Spirit in demonstration, there’s no fire, no life, no revival.

    Jesus said: And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judæa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

    Lk. 24:49, Acts 1:8 KJV

    Have you been clothed with power from on high to witness of Christ’s resurrection?

    Initially, there was great resistance from denominational churches to this biblical experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit. But God dealt with them, opened their eyes, and today (2001) over 80% of Chinese believers and evangelists are Spirit-filled and speak in tongues.

    Here are more inspiring accounts of Chinese miracles related by a South Chinese house-church leader.

    Shaanxi Paralytic Healed

    A sister with only three years school education, but possessing a burning love for Jesus visited a bed-ridden man in one of the poorest cities of Shaanxi Province. He had been paralysed for eight years. “Jesus is your only hope, He can heal you.” she told him. As she shared the Gospel message her eyes brimmed with compassion and tears, but the idolater was unmoved.

    So she related the true story of a young girl, an only daughter, who left home to live with a man in a neighbouring city. Her parents were heartbroken. The lover soon deserted the daughter for another woman, so she decided to drown herself in the river. Have you ever got into such a mess that suicide seemed to be the only way out? On the way to the river she passed a crowd reading aloud a notice that said,

    “My daughter, where are you? Since you left home we cannot eat or sleep. We miss you. Please come home as soon as you see this notice.”

    The girl pushed through the crowd to read the sign, and was stunned to recognize her father’s handwriting and her own photograph. She set off for home, but afraid of her parent’s reaction, waited until dusk before entering the house. Of course, her parents were not angry, they were elated, and all three wept in joy.

    Are you living in sin, backslidden, outside of God’s will? Perhaps you are afraid of approaching the Lord. You do not need to be fearful, He wants to forgive you. Simply be willing to repent, then hold up those sin-stained hands to Heaven, and ask Jesus for mercy. Before you finish your heart plea, Christ will welcome you, arms open wide, and wash away every guilty stain.

    Forgiveness of Sins

    As the evangelist told this true story, the man’s heart was touched, he began to weep, repented and believed on Christ. The instant hands were laid upon him, he was totally healed. Leaping from his bed crying and praising God, he ran to tell his neighbours, and soon many others had believed on Christ as a result of seeing his miracle.

    Continue Reading Chinese Revival Miracles…

    © 01 Colin Melbourne

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